
Although the primary literature usually provides the impetus for attempting a new measurement, this literature is often obscure or at least succinct regarding details involved in the interpretation and even execution of the experiment. Therefore, secondary sources are generally a more useful starting point when approaching a new form of measurement.

An introductory text focused on physical biochemistry and its methods can often clarify the basic theoretical underpinnings. There are many such texts that vary greatly in their level of detail and in the mathematical sophistication required, so find one at a level comfortable for your background. The following five volumes from the Practical Approach series published by Oxford University Press are useful, pragmatic starting places for many of the resources within BIF. Individual chapters focus on a specific measurement or class of measurements by presenting basic theory, experimental design and caveats often with “cookbook” style directions for getting started. The volumes are available in the Steenbock Library–click on the titles to check for availability.

Protein – Ligand Interactions: Structure and Spectroscopy
Harding, S. E. and B. Z. Chowdhry (Eds.), 2001

Protein – Ligand Interactions: Hydrodynamics and Calorimetry
Harding, S. E. and B. Z. Chowdhry (Eds.), 2001

Protein Structure: A Practical Approach
Creighton, T. E. (Ed.), 1997

Protein Function: A Practical Approach
Creighton, T. E. (Ed.), 1997

Spectrophotometry and Spectrofluorimetry
Gore, M. G. (Ed.), 2000

Other reference materials and resources for specific measurements may be available and be provided upon request.