
Analytical Ultracentrifugation

The analytical ultracentrifuge remains one of the most reliable tools for studying macromolecular complexes in solution.

Surface Plasmon Resonance

The Proteon XPR36 exploits the optical phenomenon of surface plasmon resonance (SPR) to provide real time monitoring of interactions between molecules.

Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy

In circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy, the difference in the absorbances of left- and right-handed circularly polarized light impinging on a solution is measured.

Fluorescence Spectroscopy

The fluorimeter permits both the identification of wavelengths resulting in excitation (excitation spectrum) and also characterization of the emitted wavelengths (emission spectrum). Fluorescence measurements are extremely sensitive, allowing measurements at very low concentrations and use for quantification.

Mass Spectrometry

The Voyager provides a means to determine the mass of a biological molecule at an accuracy previously unavailable by other methods. The simplicity of the method and ease of use of current instrumentation makes rapid determination of highly accurate masses by MALDI-TOF possible with only minimal training.

Droplet Digital PCR

The QX200 Droplet Digital PCR system provides absolute quantification of target DNA or RNA molecules.

Isothermal Titration Calorimetry

Almost all reactions between molecules, whether involving the breaking and making of covalent bonds or non-covalent interactions, result in either the absorption or release of heat. Isothermal Titration Calorimetery (ITC) provides a direct measurement of these heats and is particularly well suited for the study of the noncovalent interactions involved in protein – protein and protein – ligand interactions.

Real-Time PCR

The CFX Connect system is Real-Time PCR detection system capable of two-target analysis and gradient thermal cycling.

Differential Scanning Calorimetry

In Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), the difference in the amount of heat absorbed by a protein solution and an equivalent amount of buffer is directly measured as the temperature of both solutions is simultaneously and slowly increased (or decreased). In the absence of thermally induced transitions, these data provide the constant pressure heat capacity (Cp) of the protein in solution, which in turn permits the calculation of the enthalpy change (∆H) that accompanies any change in temperature.

Direct Detect IR Spectrometer

The Direct Detect is infrared (IR)-based system capable of quantification of proteins, lipids and detergents. The analysis measures amide bonds in polypeptide chains and can accurately quantify protein concentration without relying on amino acid composition, dye binding properties or redox potential.

Microplate Readers

The BIF acquired two Tecan microplate readers in Jan 2014. Either reader is available for walkup use, but can be reserved if scheduled runs are needed. If you have a sample that is time sensitive, it is best to reserve time to make sure that your sample can be run efficiently.

Quantus Fluorometer

Optimized for Promega QuantiFluor® dye systems, the Quantus is a dual-channel fluorometer used to detect very small amounts of nucleic acids (~0.01-100 ng/µL).

Dynamic Light Scattering

In dynamic light scattering (DLS) a detector is focused on a small volume in a sample that is illuminated by a laser beam. The detector measures fluctuations in the intensity of light scattered from this volume (in MALLS the detector measures the time-averaged intensity scattered from the same volume).

UV/Vis Spectroscopy

Routine measurements of buffer and sample spectra can prove useful in diagnosing and confirming problems such as aggregation or contamination.

Multi-Angle Laser Light Scattering

Light scattering can be a useful, nondestructive approach for characterizing macromolecular mass and sometimes shape. As a laser beam passes through a sample, a small amount of the light is scattered in all directions with the scattering intensities and angular dependence a function of the molecular weight and shape of the molecule.

image of 3D printer3D Printing

The BIF has a 3D printer available for public use.  The 5th Generation MakerBot Replicator uses poly lactic acid (PLA) to create 3D objects.  The MakerBot is ideal for the creation of custom materials, parts, and models.

Flow Cytometry

The BIF has a BD Accuri Flow Cytometer analyzer.  The Accuri has red and blue lasers and four fluorescence detectors for simple flow cytometery analysis.

Bio-Layer Interferometry

BLI is used to measure affinities, on and off rates and quantitation.  The Forte Octet is capable of analyzing multiple samples in a 96-well format.

Small Volume ITC

The TA Nano ITC is an isothermal titration calorimeter with a smaller volume than the MicroCal ITC.

Pipette Calibration System

The Artel Pipet Calibration System (PCS) is a fast, accurate and precise system for verifying the accuracy and precision of single-channel pipettes.

Helpful Literature

Retired Instruments

  • Infinity AR60 Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectrophotometer (ATI Mattson Instruments)
  • Model IK3102R-G Helium-Cadmium Laser (Kimmon Electric)
  • AVS 310 Capillary Viscometer (Schott Gerate GmbH)